


olchemim Labelled plant growth regulators Jasmonic






Jasmonic acid, methyl jasmonate, and salicylic acid have been reported to occur in plants and are thought to be essential for the regulation of systemic defence responses. Inclusion during sample preparation of hydrogenated and/or deuterated internal standards corresponding to analogues of the regulators compensate for sample loss and permit quantification using the multiple reaction monitoring mode of the mass spectrometer.

[2H6](±)-JASMONIC ACID (D-JA) [3-oxo-2-([3-2H,4-2H2,5-2H3](Z)-2-pentenyl)cyclopentane-1-acetic acid]

MW 216.23; liquid; purity > 95% (HPLC)
Diluted in acetonitrile : water (1 : 1,v/v)
S:26, 36; CAS: 221682-79-7; C12H122H6O3
036 282150ng
036 2822100ng
036 2823250ng

[2H2](±)-JASMONIC ACID (D-JA) [3-oxo-2-((Z)-2-pentenyl)cyclopentane-1-[2H2]acetic acid]

MW 212.26; liquid; purity > 95% (HPLC)
Diluted in ethanol
S:26, 36; CAS: 903510-50-9; C12H162H2O3
036 705150ng
036 7052100ng
036 7053250ng

[2H5]cis-12-OXO-PHYTODIENOIC ACID (D-OPDA)[mixture of (1S,2S)-3-oxo-2-([4-2H2, 5-2H3](Z)-2pentenyl)cyclopent-4-ene-1-octanoic acid + (1R,2R)-3-oxo-2-([4-2H2, 5-2H3](Z)-2-pentenyl)cyclopent-4-ene-1-octanoic acid]

MW 297.38; liquid; purity > 95% (HPLC)
Diluted in acetonitrile : water (1 : 1,v/v)
S:26, 36; C18H232H5O3
cis-12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (D-OPDA)
036 6191500ng
036 61921µg
036 61932µg

[2H3]N-[(-)-JASMONYL]-LEUCINE (D-(-)-JALeu) [N-[(1R,2R)-3-oxo-2-((Z)-2pentenyl)cyclopentane-1-acetyl]-(2S,3S)[5-2H3]leucine]

MW 326.41; liquid; purity > 95% (HPLC)
Diluted in acetonitrile : water (1 : 1,v/v)
S:26, 36; C18H262H3NO4
N-[(-)-jasmonoyl]-leucine (D-(-)-JALeu)
036 6271500ng
036 62721µg
036 62732µg

[2H2]N-[(-)-JASMONYL]-ISOLEUCINE (D-(-)-JAILE) [N-[(1R,2R)-3-oxo-2-(2-(Z)-pentenyl)cyclopentane-1-([2H2]acetyl)]-(2S,3S)-isoleucine]

MW 325.42; liquid; purity > 95% (HPLC)
Diluted in ethanol
S:26, 36; C18H272H2NO4
N-[(-)-jasmonoyl]-leucine (D-(-)-JAILE)
036 6861500ng
036 68621µg
036 68632µg

[2H2](±)-TUBERONIC ACID (D-TA, D-12OHJA) [3-oxo-2-(4-hydroxy-(Z)-2-pentenyl)cyclopentane-1-[2H2]acetic acid]

MW 228.26; liquid; purity > 90% (HPLC), contains 10% iso-(±)-12OH-JA
Diluted in acetonitrile : water (1 : 1,v/v)
S:26, 36; CAS: 903510-54-3; C12H152H3O4
(±)-TUBERONIC acid (D-TA, D-12OHJA)
036 2871500ng
036 28721µg
036 28732µg

[2H5](±)-OPC-8 [3-oxo-2-([4-2H2, 5-2H3](Z)-2-pentenyl)cyclopentane-1-octanoic acid]

MW 294.40; liquid; purity > 95% (HPLC)
Diluted in acetonitrile : water (1 : 1,v/v)
S:26, 36; C18H272H5O3
036 6201500ng
036 62021µg
036 62032µg
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